Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ode to an Eight Legged Friend


Little Miss Jaime sat on her pillow,
Writing her blog today.
When along came a spider,
and sneaked in beside her,
and Sarah ran to saved the day.

Yes that is correct, while composing my previous blog I noticed a spider had snuck into my bed with me. Calm and collected, I called our resident spider killer and she properly did away with him.

Don't be mad mom, these are not cute little garden spiders. You would approve.


  1. I am sooooooo glad Sarah was there to save the day! Lord knows that I would be flippin out like no other. B-c I do not have "fists of fury" when it comes to large insects.

  2. It was a good thing she was there, cause i do not do furry friends either!!!!Yuck. I miss you, wish you were here. You would love it!
